Physics At Home
High quality physics education for the homeschooling family

Physics At Home background


What is offered?

  • Physics courses for homeschool students
  • All levels of physics - Physical Science, Conceptual, College Preparatory, AP Physics
  • Flesh and blood certified, experienced teacher
This website has been created to offer home schooled students instruction in multiple levels of physics from a real, certified professional teacher with over 14 years of classroom and online teaching experience, and one who has a vested interest in aiding home schooled students to excel because he, himself, is also a homeschooling parent with six children.

Why choose Physics At Home?

  • Incorporates many instructional methods to support diverse student learning styles
  • Options for a parent teacher to be "hands-off" or a "guide on the side" provided
  • Committed to keeping tuition and costs low
  • Numerous lab activities and investigations provide excellent real-life connections
  • Provides comprehensive instruction in science-related writing and lab reports
The structure of each physics course has been thoughtfully developed to offer many options, which support diverse modes of student learning and parent involvement, various technical depths to lab investigations, as well as financial considerations.
What course and lab setting are right for you?
Try out the
Photo of Chris Shullenbarger

Who is your Teacher?

Greetings! My name is Chris Shullenbarger. I have been teaching public high school science in Frederick County, Maryland since 2002. I am a blessed husband and father of six, and every year I look forward most to spending my summers exploring the United States, road-tripping with my awesome family.

On those trips we cannot help but to run into countless displays of our universe's wonders, as well as the many ways that knowledge of the universe, the willpower for hard work, and the creativity bestowed on humankind have produced marvels beyond reckoning. Sometimes, we are able to capture photos and video of these amazing displays to share with my physics students, but I present the same challenge to all of them from school year to school year: discover physics happening every day in your own life!

My excitement and enjoyment of physics began when I was in high school. I would not want you to miss that opportunity, because a foundation in physics is a tool that you can carry with you for your entire life. Pick any career, occupation, hobby, sport, political voting decision, or odd-job to complete around the house, and for most cases, taking a class in physics will make you better at them all (I can honestly say that the jobs I feel comfortable doing because of what I learned from my physics classes has saved me tens of thousands of dollars as a car and home owner).

This brings me to the reason I have begun offering these online courses. My wife and I homeschool our own children, and within the homeschooling community, we find that high school science tends to be the subject most often avoided for many varying reasons. However, without a solid science background, any graduating high school student - from public, private, or home school - will find it extremely difficult to compete for college acceptance and scholarships, and ultimately to compete for jobs in our increasingly global 21st century workplace.

Therefore, my growing passion is to make student growth and acquisition of science processes and skills available to a community that, at this point in time and as a whole, lacks quality resources to do so. Free resources on the internet are quite excellent, and I incorporate many of them into my courses, including some exceptional video teaching segments from Paul Anderson ( While these and boxed computer course resources can teach some content and skills, they lack a key element that is fundamental to the advances in science that we have seen in the past 400 years: collaboration.

Sharing ideas, thoughts, experiences, and perspectives are essential to the advancement of our understanding of the universe, and they sure make things exciting in science. Conversations with my students are what I live for in the classroom. They bring science to life for all contributers. And finally, it is my mission to introduce real, contemporary methods of scientific investigation and data analysis that will equip students for college and their future careers. I hope to make your acquaintance.

Where and When?

Wherever you want, and whenever you want! Once a course is started, there are defined time 'milestones' to meet so that class discussions are synchronized and so the courses end by the final ending date, but other than that, it's up to you: the home school student and parent.


If you have any questions, contact me at

Course Experiences

Physics At Home recognizes the diversity of different home schools in their parent teachers and students alike, so we therefore provide three different course experiences to best fit the needs of each unique home school.
The most unique feature of homeschooling that sets it apart from all other forms of education is that the family has the autonomy to decide what is best for the educational interests of the student. The needs and desires of the family dictate the flow of each school year, school term, school day, school discipline, and each assignment.
Your student will be a member of an online classroom, and will be able to engage in discussions with peers that foster excitement, satiate curiosities, and enhance the overall learning experience. If enrollment exceeds 10 students to a course, then the student will be placed as a member of a smaller sub-group for discussion and grouping purposes.
  • Full Course Experience: Full instruction, learning activities, labs, discussions, assessments, grading, and teacher feedback on assignments are all provided.
  • Parent Guide Experience: The parent has the freedom to take part in the student's classroom and to take on the roll of "grader" of all the written assignments. Full instruction, learning activities, labs, assessments, assessment grading, and writing assignment scoring rubrics are provided.***
This experience invites the parent to take a hands-on approach with the course, and to be a partner with the home-schooler. The parent is provided with a teacher account to monitor student progress and to have access to writing item scoring rubrics. The online classroom experience with group discussions and activies (that is described within the full-tuition experience) is optional - but highly suggested for the best learning experience - and is free of charge. For this experience, a deduction of $100 is taken from the full tuition cost of your course.
The parent is fully the teacher, being provided with all the tools necessary for the course, including a teacher account that can be used to monitor student progress and to gain access to scoring keys, answer guides, and writing item scoring rubrics. Be advised that any college- or college prep-level courses require a moderate level of physics problem solving. For this experience, a deduction of $200 is taken from the full tuition cost of your course.
  • Parent Teacher Experience: The parent teacher has the freedom to take the reigns of the course. Full instruction, learning activities, labs, assessments, and scoring keys are provided. This experience has no time constraints, and therefore access to group discussions is not provided.***
*** This course experience cannot apply to AP courses. For consistency and reliability, the College Board audits all courses with the "AP" label; a process that requires instructors of its Advanced Placement courses to submit materials and syllabi that demonstrate the curriculum, rigor, and lab experiences of the courses that they teach. For these courses to legitimately carry the AP status, they must be fully instructed by an audited teacher.
Course Experience Comparison
 Full CourseParent GuideParent Teacher
Full instructionYesYesYes
Learning activitiesYesYesYes
Lab investigationsYesYesYes
Writing assignment feedbackYesYesYes
Classroom discussions
and group activities
Time Constraints/DeadlinesYesYes* 
Full gradingYes  
Assessment grading only Yes 
Automated grading only  Yes
Parent Access to
writing rubrics
Parent Access to all
grading / feedback materials
Tuition DeductionN/A$100$200
* Optional

Lab Experiences

Every course includes labs that only require supplies that are readily available in most homes. But, if you would prefer an enhanced lab experience, each course has several options available:
  • Lab Level 1 - @Home Lab Supplies: This option is free of charge, although some inexpensive supplies may need to be purchased depending upon what you already have available. The beginning of each unit will have a list that you can use to collect lab supplies ahead of time.
  • Lab Level 2 - Enhanced Labs: A small shipment of pre-fab lab equipment will be sent to you from Physics At Home. The actual equipment varies from course to course, but it will offer a cleaner, more convenient, and more accurate investigation/data collection experience than the standard @Home Supplies. Most of the supplies are delivered "at cost," but some of them do require some fabrication, time, and packaging, so a modest handling fee is included.
  • Lab Level 3 - Extreme Labs: The Enhanced Labs equipment will be shipped to you along with Vernier probeware for a modern lab experience. Required Vernier equipment varies by course, and is shipped to you "at cost." If you return the equipment to Physics At Home at the conclusion of the course, you will be refunded two-thirds (2/3) of the cost.
It is a Physics At Home goal to make the physics education experience as affordable to the family as possible, and at the same time, deliver the highest quality instruction. With that in mind, each course will provide a full list of the materials contained within the Enhanced and Extreme lab options for those who wish to price these packages. The Enhanced and Extreme packages contain materials that are available to many public school students, but are not often readily available in the typical home school classroom. Their availability provides the home-schooler similar exposure to lab instruments that their future college peers will have had exposure to in their high school classrooms.


* Highly suggested, but not required


Tuition Overview

Each course has a full tuition cost ranging from $300 to $500, depending upon the course. However, these courses are structured for the homeschool experience, and discounts can apply for different experiences! In addition, you have the option to enhance the lab component of your course. Optional course add-ons in the table below are preceded with the addition symbol (+).
Course Tuition Chart
 Full CourseParent GuideParent TeacherText BookEnhanced LabsExtreme Labs
101: Physical Science
$300$200$100+ $50+ $40+ $40
+ $160*
201: Conceptual Physics with Applications
$350$250$150+ $50+ $40+ $40
+ $160*
301: College Preparatory Physics
$400$300$200+ $50+ $40+ $40
+ $160*
401: AP Physics 1
$500N/AN/A+ $50+ $40+ $40
+ $160*
402: AP Physics 2
$500N/AN/A+ $50+ $40+ $40
+ $160*
451: AP Physics C - Mechanics
$500N/AN/A+ $50+ $40+ $40
+ $160*
452: AP Physics C - Electricity & Magnetism
$500N/AN/A+ $50+ $40+ $40
+ $160*
Example tuition and add-on calculations: If you choose 301: College Preparatory Physics with the Parent Guide course experience and you would like to purchase the text and all lab supplies yourself, then the cost would be that of the course's Parent Guide experience alone: $300. If you would like the textbook and enhanced labs, the cost is $390.
AP Tests: This year's AP tests cost $92 each. PhysicsAtHome does not have any financial affiliation with College Board, the entity that administers the Advanced Placement exams. Deadlines to sign up each school year are generally in the month of March. For more information, the following links will provide you with the most current information from College Board:
AP CentralExam Calendar & FeesAP for Homeschooled Students
* This value represents the final cost to you: one-third (1/3) of the amount that will be charged during enrollment. The full amount that will be charged is a security deposit for the full cost of the Vernier equipment. At the conclusion of the course, if you wish to return all of the Vernier equipment to Physics At Home you will be refunded two-thirds of the full cost, but if you wish to keep the equipment and waive the refund, you may do so!



Placement Tool

It is a mission of PhysicsAtHome to make the study of physics accessible to everyone, especially homeschoolers! In the quest to do so, we have created many options to fit the needs of each student and his or her homeschooling family. This tool will help you to pinpoint the course, course experience, and lab experience that is right for your needs.
To the Student: What is your age?


How many more years of school do you have before college?


What is the highest level of math you have completed?

Pre-Algebra has not been completed yet
Algebra AND Geometry
Algebra 2 with Trigonometry
Calculus 1
Calculus 2

What is the highest level of physics you have completed?

No physics courses have been completed yet
Physical Science
Conceptual Physics with Applications
College Preparatory Physics
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 2
AP Physics C - Mechanics
AP Physics C - Electricity & Magnetism

What is your post-high school goal or intended major?

No College
Technical/Vocational School
Non-science college major
Science major (non-physics)
Computer Science major
Architecture major
Engineering major
Physics major

To the Parent: Which statement is closest to your impression of physics?

I heard of it once
I took physics, but do not think fondly of it
I took physics and I liked it
Physics was one of my favorite classes
I took more than one year of physics
My career is physics-related

How proficient are you at problem solving?
(ex: word problems or practical problems, incorporating the use of math)

I'd like to change the subject
It can be tough, but I hold my own
I do rather well
Very proficient; I enjoy problem solving

How proficient are you at producing argumentative writing?
(ex: making a claim, supporting the claim with legitimate evidence)

I'd like to change the subject
It can be tough, but I hold my own
I do rather well
Very proficient; I write quite well

With all your home life and you student's homeschool workload considered, which statement best describes the daily time you can commit to physics instruction and review of assignments?

Things are quite busy on most days; it is difficult to say.
We normally have a small time segment each day to consistently commit to each class subject together.
We rather consistently have a good bit of time to work together on each class subject, and I set aside some extra time beyond the school day each week to review my studen't work.

Which statement best resembles your family's homeschool budget considerations?

It is difficult to find affordable options for homeschool materials these days.
We need to keep costs down as much as possible.
If there are options that seem to provide some extra benefits or time-savings, we are open to considering paying a bit more.
My student is very interested in physics, and we're willing to consider any added options to enhance the experience.


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